Inc Commercial landlords


As a landlord, it’s essential to prioritize the protection of your tenants’ personal information. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets strict rules on how data should be collected, processed, and stored. This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the complexities of GDPR and implement necessary measures to safeguard tenant data and ensure compliance with the law.

Registering with ICO

To comply with GDPR, landlords must register with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if they store, use, or delete tenant personal information using electronic devices. The registration fee is £35.00 per year, and you can easily check if registration is necessary using the ICO’s online tool.

Landlord GDPR & Requirements

Documenting Processing Activities

Compliance with GDPR requires documenting all processing activities related to tenant data. This involves identifying the types of personal information held, the recipients of this information, and the data retention period. Categorizing tenants into groups, such as enquiring tenants, prospective tenants, live tenants, and ex-tenants, will assist in this process. Additionally, providing tenants with a privacy policy outlining data usage and sharing is essential.

Lawful Basis of Processing

Landlords must have a lawful basis for processing tenant data, which may include legitimate interest, contractual fulfillment, legal requirements (e.g., deposit prescribed information, right to rent checks), or consent in specific situations. It is important to ensure that any data processing aligns with these lawful bases.

Privacy Policies

Once the lawful bases are established, landlords must inform tenants of data usage. GDPR-compliant privacy policies should be provided to tenants. We have updated various forms with GDPR privacy policies, including applications for accommodation, assured shorthold tenancy agreements, lodger agreements, garage letting agreements, storage letting agreements, and car parking space agreements.

Existing Tenancies and GDPR

For existing tenancies, there is no need to create new agreements for GDPR compliance. The previous versions of residential tenancy agreements included privacy notices. New tenancies should be updated with the updated GDPR privacy notice.

Processing Personal Information

As long as data processing aligns with lawful bases, landlords should be in compliance with GDPR. Legitimate interest, contract fulfillment, and legal requirements are common lawful bases for data processing.

Tenants’ Rights under GDPR

Under GDPR, tenants have the right to access information landlords hold about them. Landlords should have a procedure in place to address such requests. Additionally, tenants have the “right to be forgotten,” allowing them to request the removal of their data. However, this right does not apply to data processed under legal obligations, such as right-to-rent checks.

Complying with GDPR is crucial for landlords to protect tenant data and maintain legal and ethical practices. By registering with the ICO, documenting processing activities, and providing GDPR-compliant privacy policies, landlords can build trust and ensure the safety of personal information.


GDPR compliance is essential for landlords to protect their tenants’ personal data and maintain a trustworthy relationship. By understanding the registration process, documenting data processing activities, and providing privacy policies, landlords can meet the requirements of GDPR and ensure the security of tenant information. Keeping up-to-date with the latest regulations and tenants’ rights will further strengthen your compliance efforts. Safeguarding tenant data is not only a legal obligation but also a fundamental step towards building a positive and responsible landlord-tenant relationship.